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All Topics | Topic "how to update Weap"
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Mrs. herlianty saadah

Subject: how to update Weap   
Posted: 12/4/2018 Viewed: 9085 times
Thank you for your attention
my name herlianty i used WEAP for my research, i used weap 2018.1 version, and when my friend try to install the same WEAP i use, it cannot open my data, it describe that it need to change the version to (0) version before i open the area that i already analysis, my question is how to upgrade it, time work WEAP i used until 6/1/2019.
one more thank you for ur attetion

best regard
herlianty (indonesian)
Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: how to update Weap   
Posted: 12/5/2018 Viewed: 9080 times
If you are both using the same version of WEAP (2018.1), there should be no problem sharing the data from one computer to the other. If you are still having problems, please send me the WEAP area and I will see if I can determine the problem. The easiest way to do this is from WEAP. On the main menu, go to Help, Send Email to WEAP Support. Make sure to select "Attach area" so that WEAP will attach your area to the email to me.

Best regards,

Ms. Anne Hereford

Subject: Re: how to update Weap   
Posted: 12/17/2018 Viewed: 9028 times
You and your friend can always check if you have the same version by looking in the bottom left-hand corner of your WEAP window. For example, mine says "WEAP:2018.1"
You can check that you have the most recent version in the Help menu of the program, by selecting "Check for New Version".
Topic "how to update Weap"