Subject: WEAP for mountainous high elevated area? Posted: 11/24/2018 Viewed: 12394 times
Dear WEAP Fellows,
I would like to ask, can we use WEAP for high elevated area covered with glaciers, seasonal and permanent frozen grounds, forests etc. for ecological, climate change and water balance studies.
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: WEAP for mountainous high elevated area? Posted: 1/2/2019 Viewed: 12165 times
Dear Naveed,
Yes, modeling glaciers was added to WEAP just a few years ago. Please search the WEAP help for Glaciers and return to the forum if you have more specific questions.
Kind regards,
Mr. Naveed Ahmed
Subject: Re: WEAP for mountainous high elevated area? Posted: 1/7/2019 Viewed: 12156 times
Hi Dear Anne,
Thanks for your reply.
Yes, I know that Glaciers module is available in WEAP since 3-4 years ago. As I am using WEAP since 2013, and I am familiar with it. But my question was something else. To be more specific as below:
Can we use for Frozen Soils/Permafrost/cryospheres for hydrologic Analysis and Climate Change analysis. Because for Cryospheres sometimes we have to model saturated and un-saturated soils simultaneously. Can WEAP handle this situation?