Subject: LP infeasibility in Maximum Hydraulic Outflow Posted: 11/1/2018 Viewed: 10004 times
Hi everyone,
I am using WEAP 2018.1 to model the impacts of climate change on Water availability and hydropower generation at Mono catchment in Togo. By introducing the hydropower station and by adding the Maximum Hydraulic Outflow data, I get the following meassage "Scenario Month Year Branch Message (Double-click to go to that variable in the Data View.)
Reference August 2008 Supply and Resources\River\Nangbeto_Riv\Reservoirs\Nangbeto_HP WARNING: The Maximum Hydraulic Outflow for "Supply and Resources\River\Nangbeto_Riv\Reservoirs\Nangbeto_HP" was removed in these 10 timesteps because it caused an LP infeasibility. This may result in too much water being released from the reservoir in those timesteps. Aug 2008, Oct 2013, Oct 2026, Sep 2027, Aug 2028, Sep 2041, Sep 2051, Sep 2055, Sep 2057, Sep 2059.
" .
By trying to solve this issue I come accross the suggession of Mr. Jack Sieber which adviced to install Gurobi solver. I follow all the step, but I could not get where to change the solver at the last step. Then, my problem is still.
Can someone help me?
Topic "LP infeasibility in Maximum Hydraulic Outflow"