Subject: Volume Elevation Curve _Importing Data Posted: 10/9/2018 Viewed: 9171 times
Hello, I work in scenarios about dams and I want to import points about volume-elevation curve. I have the heights of the water measured from the start of the reference system of the country and the heights measured from the start of the dam. Which ones should I use?
Thanks in advance.
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: Volume Elevation Curve _Importing Data Posted: 11/10/2018 Viewed: 9010 times
For the sake of consistency, it would be preferable to use the elevation data (country reference system). However, WEAP results shouldn't be affected as long as the heights are internally consistent (all use the same reference point).
Ms. Sibel Ersoy
Subject: Re: Volume Elevation Curve _Importing Data Posted: 5/15/2019 Viewed: 8338 times
Dear Anne,
I have a similar question: I am modelling in the Draa Valley in Morocco and I have the NGM values of Morocco and the volume that corresponds to that NGM. Can I use the NGM in WEAP therefore for my elevation [m]?
Tizazu Mohammed
Subject: Re: Volume Elevation Curve _Importing Data Posted: 7/22/2023 Viewed: 3253 times
How to add the data of volume elevation curve in WEAP tools