Subject: Reach outflow to groundwater Posted: 9/24/2018 Viewed: 9333 times
Currently, WEAP only allows to specify the amount of reach outflow to the groundwater as a percentage of the river flow. There are situations where the outflow to the groundwater is reasonably constant; i.e. independent of streamflow. Would it therefore be possible to include this as a fixed number in a future release?
Another improvement would be that that number or percentage remains constant along that specific reach; i.e. when I for example specify a reach X with a total groundwater loss percentage of 25%, and then in a later stage add several transmission and/or demand nodes (let's say 4 in total), it would be ideal if WEAP automatically disaggregates that into 4 + 1 = 5 reaches with a 5% groundwater loss each. This results in a nicely distributed loss instead of losing all the water in sub-reach.
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: Reach outflow to groundwater Posted: 3/14/2019 Viewed: 8746 times
Dear Wilco,
Thanks for the suggestions. We'll keep those in mind for future upgrades.
In the meantime, you might be able to work around the restriction on specifying the groundwater inflow by inputting a long if-then statement as your Fraction Diverted that depends on the streamflow in the previous timestep...
Mr. Wilco Terink
Subject: Re: Reach outflow to groundwater Posted: 6/17/2019 Viewed: 8423 times
Hi Anne,
Do you have an idea on how far ahead in the future this might be included in an update? E.g. will it be included in the next update, or is it more something for a far-future release?