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All Topics | Topic "database errors"
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Dr. Maryam Mohammadpour

Subject: database errors   
Posted: 6/25/2018 Viewed: 10607 times
I am maryam, a WEAP user. I have a question;
When I open WEAP appear the error message” Internal database consistency errors found and corrected. Please check the Schematic for missing objects, and the Data View for missing data, and re-create as necessary. Removing orphaned data records from previously deleted scenario (ScenarioID = 1). All other data should be fine.”.
Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: database errors   
Posted: 6/25/2018 Viewed: 10604 times
I am not sure what your question is.

WEAP is continually monitoring its data files for errors. If it detects a problem, it will automatically repair the database. This message you received indicates that errors were found and fixed, and that you should examine the Schematic and the Data Tree to determine if any data was lost. (Each WEAP area has its own database -- any errors found are confined to a single WEAP area.)

Dr. Maryam Mohammadpour

Subject: Re: database errors   
Posted: 6/26/2018 Viewed: 10595 times
hi Jack,
I'm confused about this problem. when I examine the Schematic and the Data Tree, i saw that there were no data. all of my data was lost. WEAP can not recognized the river, and all of other data was lost.
when I open any branches of Data Tree, select catchment method window appeared. also there is no years and time step in my project and all of my scenarios were lost.

Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: database errors   
Posted: 6/26/2018 Viewed: 10587 times
You should revert to the previous version of your dataset. From the Main Menu, go to Area, Revert to Version, then choose a version to restore. If the most recent version does not work, choose the second most recent.

Topic "database errors"