Subject: Junctions Posted: 5/28/2018 Viewed: 10405 times
A simple question: how to model junctions in WEAP?
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Junctions Posted: 5/29/2018 Viewed: 10393 times
Dear Kasra,
Do you mean river junctions? You can make one river flow into another by building the river (start with the headflow) and ending with a double click in an existing river.
Mr. Kasra Keshavarz
Subject: Re: Junctions Posted: 5/30/2018 Viewed: 10386 times
Dear Stephanie,
Thanks for your note. Imagine there are 2 diversion channels which should come to a point and then 3 diversion channels go out from that point. In other words, a node for which this mass balance equation holds: mass of incoming water = mass of outgoing water.
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Junctions Posted: 5/30/2018 Viewed: 10379 times
Hi Kasra,
If you have two sources of water that are joining together, you can model them as river tributaries (two rivers). If you have a source of water that is splitting apart, you can model it as a river and a diversion (or multiple diversions).