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All Topics | Topic "Soil moisture method"
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Mrs. Beatriz Cecilia Martinez Contreras

Subject: Soil moisture method   
Posted: 5/9/2018 Viewed: 10295 times
I am working with the soil moisture method to simulate flow rates, and enter information on land use and climate, together with the flow rates measured in the basin, however when I give results to simulate the flow I get the following error:

"You may not specify land area at both a parent (e.g.,Demand Sites and Catchments\Recarga) and child branch (e.g., Demand Sites and Catchment\Recarga\Bosques y áreas seminaturales).If area is entered for the parent, all its children must use shares.If area is entered for the children, then parent must have "No data entered at this level" for the unit.

I appreciate your help
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Soil moisture method   
Posted: 5/14/2018 Viewed: 10275 times
Hi Beatriz,

Go back to the data view and look at your catchment Recarga. Click on Recarga in the data tree, and view your data for Water Use/Annual Activity Level. Under "Units", unless you're using the < Share > unit, WEAP can only read units for the lowest level of disaggregation, in the case your land use types. Make sure the units for your land use types are correct (all land areas, such as square kilometers). Then, for the top line that says Recarda, open up the Units options and select < No data entered at this level >.

That should fix it.

Dr. Diana Quevedo

Subject: Re: Soil moisture method   
Posted: 7/4/2019 Viewed: 9001 times
Hi Stephanie
I have the same problem reported by Beatriz. I'll try to explain you.
My catchments consider glacier land use, which one has units N/A. Under this branch I have subbranches (glacier types) rocky, unconvered, covered and glacieret, with units percentage share/ha.
After run WEAP, the areas of each glacier type does not correspond to AreaCatchment X %area of glacier type.
How can fix it?
Thank you for your answer.

Topic "Soil moisture method"