Subject: How add directly add Elevation-Volume table from excel to WEAP? Posted: 5/5/2018 Viewed: 9942 times
Dear All,
I want to add Elevation-Volume table for a tank. Please advise me how to do that.
Thanks in advance,
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: How add directly add Elevation-Volume table from excel to WEAP? Posted: 5/7/2018 Viewed: 9935 times
Dear Thilina,
In your Excel document, format two columns with the following data:
Volume, Elevation
(in each column, enter your respective volume and elevation data).
Select the data and click copy (ctrl c)
Go to WEAP and open up your reservoir, storage elevation tab. Click in the first cell in the table and ctrl-V to paste. A window will pop up. Make sure it is correct, then say "Save".
Topic "How add directly add Elevation-Volume table from excel to WEAP?"