Subject: Demand site priority Posted: 4/17/2018 Viewed: 9714 times
Thank you, Ms. Stephanie. I have one more question, if i may ask. I have 3 different demand sites i.e. Agriculture, Domestic and Industrial. I have allocated priority no. 1 to agriculture, 2 to industrial and 3 to domestic demand site, but water is being allocated to industrial and domestic demands although Agricultural demand is not being fully satisfied. Is that possible? Why is it so?
Again, thanks for the reply.
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Demand site priority Posted: 4/17/2018 Viewed: 9704 times
HI Niraj,
With those demand priorities, Agriculture should be fully satisfied before industrial or domestic demand receive any water. However, if they have different supplies, then they will each be able to take what they need from their respective supplies. The only time they obey the constraints of the demand priorities are when they share the same supply.
Additional supplies can be return flows, for example.