Subject: WEAP Calibration Posted: 4/4/2018 Viewed: 9692 times
Dear All,
It is stated that I am a master's student. I have run model for my research and thesis. I have used MABIA Method for catchment to find irrigation water demand. But i do not know how to calibrate it. On this WEAP discussion forum, I read some discussion on it but couldn't find any help. I have used stream gauge on river and put the discharge data (Observed flow) into it for 11 years. but do not know where is simulated flow and how can I compare observed and simulated flow?. Actually i am not finding simulated stream flow in the results. Need your kind help.
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: WEAP Calibration Posted: 4/16/2018 Viewed: 9681 times
Hi Muhammad,
Calibration in a historic model using a streamflow gauge means the following:
1) Build a streamflow gauge in the correct location on your river (where it is built in the real world).
2) Populate the streamflow gauge with data from your historic records about streamflow in that area (this is why it must be a historic model).
3) If you are using catchments to model streamflow, enter the precipitation and temperature records you have available for the historic model. The records must overlap with at least a portion of your streamflow record, preferably multiple years. If you records in addition to temperature and precipitation, by all means, enter those as well. Note that the catchment itself should be demarcated by the streamflow gauge location.
4) Compare the observed flow in your river at the gauge point with the data for flow in your gauge.
5) Make adjustments to your catchment parameters as needed to help the modeled flow better approximate the observed historic flow.