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All Topics | Topic "WEAP is not using :"Variable Operating Cost" data in results. Not considering for NPV calculations"
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Mr. Ankit Gupta

Subject: WEAP is not using :"Variable Operating Cost" data in results. Not considering for NPV calculations   
Posted: 3/29/2018 Viewed: 10495 times
I am studying economics of technologies and comparing with the reference scenarios.I have entered a high value for "variable operating cost" compare to capital cost.(in $/m3). But in result when i switched to "ALL/COST BENEFIT TAB".It shows operating cost "zero".While capital cost values are as expected.

In my understanding, variable operating cost should be multiplied by water demand. But in this case, it is considering water demand to be zero which is not the case.

Please help, how can I include variable operating cost in my results. WEAP is showing same behavior for calculating variable benefits. It is working fine for fixed benefits.

One potential reason which I am thinking since I have calculated the water demand on annual basis. In this variable cost tab, data need to be entered at monthly basis. Does it cause any error? I am not able to figure it out. Can you please help?

I am not able to attach screenshot here. It may have give better visualization of the issue.

Ankit Gupta

Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: WEAP is not using :"Variable Operating Cost" data in results. Not considering for NPV calculations   
Posted: 4/16/2018 Viewed: 10478 times
Dear Ankit,

Having your water demand on an annual basis should not impact these calculations because WEAP has information about the monthly variation.

I'm a little confused about which result you're looking at. in the Results Menu/Financial, there are 3 options. Which one are you looking at?

Mr. Ankit Gupta

Subject: Re: WEAP is not using :"Variable Operating Cost" data in results. Not considering for NPV calculations   
Posted: 4/20/2018 Viewed: 10469 times
Thanks for the reply!
Anyways, I have figured out the problem.I need to enter the flow data at 'supply and resource' at the top level. Earlier I just entered the data at 'streamflow gauge' tab. Now, I can see the variable operating cost component in my result instead of 'zero'.

Topic "WEAP is not using :"Variable Operating Cost" data in results. Not considering for NPV calculations"