Subject: Error with ResultValue API when name of branch has / symbol Posted: 3/23/2018 Viewed: 10121 times
I'm using the WEAP.ResultValue API to extract data for different paremeters. However, it gives an "invalid branch" error when I include branches that have the symbol "/" in their name. For example the "/" in a branch that has the Other/Bare land use type:
WEAP.ResultValue("Demand Sites and Catchments\Alarache\SANDY CLAY LOAM_Other/Bare:ET Potential[m^3]", Yr, Mes, WEAP.ActiveScenario)
I get the same problem for all the branches that have this symbol.
Please provide assistance!
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Error with ResultValue API when name of branch has / symbol Posted: 4/16/2018 Viewed: 10108 times
Hi Silvia,
It looks like one of your land use types is "Sandy Clay LOAM_OTHER/Bare". Unfortunately WEAP cannot handle foward slashes (/) in the names of land use types. We recommend renaming the land use type to delete the slash - and to do this for any other land use type that has a slash.
Keep in mind that if you have to re-delineate your catchments and landuses, you may need to make this change again.
Topic "Error with ResultValue API when name of branch has / symbol"