I have modelled a large catchment in WEAP, however, while trying to get the "streamflow (below node or reach listed)" results an error shows up saying: "Temporary table resource limit.". How am I supposed to resolve this error?
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Temporary table resource limit error Posted: 4/16/2018 Viewed: 10938 times
Depending on the size of your model results, WEAP may have difficulty with the database query to extract the results for display. (Large models with many elements, a large number of timesteps or years, or a large number of scenarios will all contribute to the size of the results.)
If your computer has less than 8 GB of RAM (memory), please try running WEAP on a different computer with more RAM. If you do already have this much computer memory, please try reducing the size of the results to display, e.g., select only a few or just one year for display, or select only one river's nodes and reaches.
Mr. Kasra Keshavarz
Subject: Re: Temporary table resource limit error Posted: 5/4/2018 Viewed: 10888 times
I am using WEAP API to export the results and this is a limitation. Is there any way to force WEAP to show a portion of time-steps using API and then export it to a CSV or Excel file? Then I will be able to aggregate the result tables altogether by a manual script.
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Temporary table resource limit error Posted: 5/8/2018 Viewed: 10877 times
Yes, you can use WEAP.ResultSetting to change the years or months displayed and export to CSV, e.g.,