Subject: Linking WEAP to Excel Crystal Ball for Sensitivity Analysis Posted: 11/27/2017 Viewed: 10950 times
Hello All,
I am new to WEAP but interested to automate several tasks using the API. For example, I have values for household water consumption - ranging from 10, 20 and 30 liters per week. I want to see what the impact of changing water consumption or income has on overall water demand in a city. I would be comparing this against a few other other factors.
Basically, I would like to have some example script showing how to change a variable directly in WEAP (i.e. the randomly generated input from crystall ball). For example, the water consumption variable in the household demand branch.
I would like to run several 100 simulations using random variables generated by Crystal ball, and analyze the results/do sensitivity analysis within Crystal ball as well. Has anyone done this for a similar task, or have some example code to share? This will be really helpful in getting me started! Thanks!
Topic "Linking WEAP to Excel Crystal Ball for Sensitivity Analysis"