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All Topics | Topic "Appropriate Method"
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Eng. Nura Abdullahi

Subject: Appropriate Method   
Posted: 11/19/2017 Viewed: 12387 times
Hello House,
I want to model water resources management of a certain area and I have about twenty two (22) demand node, each node having both domestic and irrigation water demand.
Which method is appropriate please.
Thank you
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Appropriate Method   
Posted: 11/27/2017 Viewed: 12381 times
Dear Nura,

While you could model the irrigation and household demand together in a demand site, I would suggest modeling them separately in a demand site (for the household demand) and a catchment (for the irrigation demand). The demand sites in WEAP are designed to have a volume/unit of demand, such as m3/person. The catchments incorporate rainfall data and model the area's hydrology, so, depending on the crops and their water consumption, WEAP can calculate how much flow is generated in an area after a rainy month, or how much irrigation water may be demanded after a dry month. So the demand sites and catchments serve very different purposes, but both may be necessary for your model.
Eng. Nura Abdullahi

Subject: Re: Appropriate Method   
Posted: 12/17/2017 Viewed: 12227 times
Thank you for your response.
What of f I've already estimated my irrigation water demand using FAO tool (CROPWAT), can I comfortably model it in a demand site together with household demand.
thank you
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Appropriate Method   
Posted: 12/18/2017 Viewed: 12210 times
Hi Nura,

You could do this - if you're certain that the demand for water in the irrigation canal will be the same between the different years of your model. I would be very cautious of this - a dry February in 2017 will have a lot of irrigation demand, but a wet February in 2018 would not have the same demand. Catchments allow the model to dynamically respond to changes in climate, and that's why they're good for modeling irrigation demand. You can use a demand site to model irrigation demand, but it will be a very simplistic representation of irrigation demand.
Eng. Nura Abdullahi

Subject: Re: Appropriate Method   
Posted: 12/18/2017 Viewed: 12181 times
Thank you once more. I'll try and model irrigation demand using catchment modelling within WEAP to take care of difference between years
Eng. Nura Abdullahi

Subject: Re: Appropriate Method   
Posted: 2/21/2018 Viewed: 11849 times
Dear Stephanie,
I am to start my real work but have some issues that need clarification
1) my study area start at a point where there is provision of water storage and a barrage that controls flow downstream and divert water for irrigation through it controlled gates. I have data for both flows that goes downstream and that diverted for the irrigation for three years. Aside this data I have discharge data from some gauging stations downstream but only for two (2) months. How can I incorporate this datas
2) considering I am starting at barrage how can I deduce my Headflow

Thank you
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Appropriate Method   
Posted: 3/5/2018 Viewed: 11614 times
Hi Nura,

That's a tough question. You want to start the water balance from the reservoir, but the reservoir operations depend on the water balance upstream, right? So you will not be able to model the downstream area without some approximation of the upstream area. What you can do, if it serves your purposes, is assume that the dam will be able to release water similarly to the past three years of data that you have. You can make a time series into the future estimating "reasonable" reservoir releases. Then you could model the "headflow" of the river as the flow coming out of the reservoir. But that wouldn't involve modeling the reservoir at all.
Eng. Nura Abdullahi

Subject: Re: Appropriate Method   
Posted: 3/9/2018 Viewed: 11280 times
Thank you Stephanie.I will do as advised. if their is anything that needs clarification you will hear from me again. Thank you once again
Topic "Appropriate Method"