Subject: Is there easy alternative to enter input data? Posted: 10/26/2017 Viewed: 10563 times
Hi, Everyone.
I am using WEAP as a hydrology model, and I have 33 catchments in my model. Each catchment is subdivided into four soil class (A, B, C, and D) and in each soil class, I have 10-15 land use types. Is there any easy way that I can change values such Kc or LAI (runoff resistance factor) for each area? Manually going through each “data tree” is a title time-consuming. Is there any other alternative? Perhaps in the database file used to store input data in WEAP? I cannot seem to find the file where WEAP stores the input data. Any help is appreciated
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Is there easy alternative to enter input data? Posted: 11/2/2017 Viewed: 10554 times
You've got a very similar question to another post, I encourage you to read that response.