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All Topics | Topic "How to add tributaries in WEAP model which are linked to Main River"
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Mr. Muneeb Tariq

Subject: How to add tributaries in WEAP model which are linked to Main River   
Posted: 10/13/2017 Viewed: 11312 times
How can we include tributaries inflows in WEAP model, apart from gauged data available of the main river

Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: How to add tributaries in WEAP model which are linked to Main River   
Posted: 10/20/2017 Viewed: 11299 times
Hi Muneeb,

There are three different ways you can do this:

1) Draw another river that ends (double click) on the Main River. You can then generate flow in that tributary, either through a catchment method or by plugging water into the headflow.

2) You could use a catchment to model the area generating the inflow, and have that contribute to the river flow volume with a runoff-infiltration link.

3) In the Main River, you can open up the reaches and you'll have the option under "Inflows and Outflows" to plug in "Surface Water Inflows" to add volume to the river.
Ms. Tias Ravena Maitsa

Subject: Re: How to add tributaries in WEAP model which are linked to Main River   
Posted: 5/2/2018 Viewed: 9856 times
Hi. I want to ask about the three ways you mentioned about how to add tributaries. From those three ways, are there any differences result of them? or they will have the same result? thank you.
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: How to add tributaries in WEAP model which are linked to Main River   
Posted: 5/7/2018 Viewed: 9848 times
Hi Tias,

The three methods could produce the same results if the tributary flow data is the same. It is possible for the data to be the same, but more likely for methods 1 and 3, which use flow data entered by the user. In contrast, method 2 uses flow generated from climate records, so the user has less direct control over the flow values. These will produce more varied flows than the user-entered flows of methods 1 and 3, so the results would likely reflect that.
Ms. Tias Ravena Maitsa

Subject: Re: How to add tributaries in WEAP model which are linked to Main River   
Posted: 5/28/2018 Viewed: 9790 times
Thank you for your explanation. It is really help. :)
Topic "How to add tributaries in WEAP model which are linked to Main River"