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All Topics | Topic "Scenario creation for climate change impacts on hydrology and water resources"
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Dr. Usman Abdullahi Ibrahim

Subject: Scenario creation for climate change impacts on hydrology and water resources   
Posted: 8/16/2017 Viewed: 10619 times
Dear users,
How and what factors should I consider in creating Scenarios for climate change impacts on hydrology and water resources in the semi arid northeastern region of Nigeria.
Thank you
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Scenario creation for climate change impacts on hydrology and water resources   
Posted: 8/25/2017 Viewed: 10574 times
Dear Usman,

We most often model changes in climate within WEAP catchments, since those take climate inputs and calculate the amount of run off in a watershed. The climate inputs you'll need depend on which catchment method you use - for example, for the Soil Moisture Method, you'll need projections of precipitation and temperature for the future. Don't forget that before modeling the future, you should make sure that the model's representation of the past is correct (calibrated).

Topic "Scenario creation for climate change impacts on hydrology and water resources"