Subject: WEAP water quality model (BOD5) Posted: 8/13/2017 Viewed: 11786 times
I'm doing a Weap water quality model for my MEng final research. Only BOD5 and temperature are considering as water quality constituents.
I have changed the BOD5 inflow in Demand sites, but the result only based on the BOD5 inflow values of the catchment areas, For the scenarios I need to change the demand site inflow. I'm looking a help to fix this problem.
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: WEAP water quality model (BOD5) Posted: 8/25/2017 Viewed: 11740 times
Hi Bhathiya,
Have you gone through the Tutorial activity regarding Water Quality modeling in WEAP? You can download the tutorial at
Demand sites can contribute to BOD only in the return flow back to the river. In the "Water Quality" button of the demand site, you can edit "BOD Intensity" or "BOD Concentration" (but not both!!!) to tell WEAP the BOD in the water coming out of the demand site.