Subject: Modelling Run of River Hydropower in WEAP Posted: 6/27/2017 Viewed: 13439 times
I have a question relating to the 'Help' on the hydropower calculations in WEAP. I'm currently trying to estimate fixed head for use in run of river hydropower nodes from a historic record of energy output (in kWh) and a known flow sequence.
Looking at the Help files I'm told that Energy output in GJ is given by:
Rearranging for drop elevation and assuming plant factor of 100% and efficiency of 70% gives
Drop elevation = Energy / (Volume * 1000 * 1 * 0.7 * 9.806).
Now my energy data is given in kWh which means I also need to divide my final result by ~277.778.
Doing this final step to match the Giga-joules quoted in the Help changes my results from potentially accurate, ~5m to 30m, to values of cm or less which seems extremely unlikely.
It would be useful if someone could highlight my mistake or clarify if this is a mistake in the Help and the value of energy should be given as kWh.