Subject: Irrigation Efficiency Posted: 6/17/2017 Viewed: 13358 times
Hi Stephanie,
I use WEAP for irrigation planning and I use Plant Growth Method.
My question is on how irrigation efficiency can be taken into account in the method?
Best Regards
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Irrigation Efficiency Posted: 6/23/2017 Viewed: 13338 times
Hi Hosein,
In the Plant Growth Model, the irrigation efficiency is a function of two parameters. The first is the Distribution Uniformity (DU), which is used in the calculation of the irrigation requirement. When an irrigation is triggered, the deficit between the soil moisture level and field capacity is divided by the DU to obtain the irrigation requirement (also called them demand, but taking into account other factors like leakage in the pipes). The second parameter is the irrigation application rate. This is a technology dependent parameter and it is used to determine the amount of surface runoff. The irrigation application rate is compared to the infiltration rate (which is a function of soil moisture status) to determine runoff.
By changing the parameters that impact these calculations, you can model irrigation efficiency.