Subject: WEAP calibration and validation Posted: 4/11/2017 Viewed: 14802 times
I am a new WEAP user, and I am still going back and forth between entering flow into the river, or using catchments to model flow. I run SWAT model for my watershed so I think I can using the flow data from SWAT and input that into WEAP model. Do I still need to calibrate WEAP model if I do so? Can you help me to clear up the different between the two options that I mentioned?
I work through the tutorial and don't see clear instruction how to calibrate the model. I find instruction for PEST calibration in user guide but without example data to work with it is a little hard for me to fully understand this process. Do you have any document with more detail about calibration process? Or if you have any example data set for calibration that you can share, I will really appreciate it. Thank you.
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: WEAP calibration and validation Posted: 4/13/2017 Viewed: 14792 times
You have mentioned two techniques for modeling streamflow: catchments and the SWAT model values. In terms of calibration:
1) Catchments generate streamflow data based on climatic and land use parameters. Any streamflow generated with catchments should be calibrated by entering historic climatic data (at least 10 years, if you can get it) with the corresponding streamflow at a streamflow gauge in the system. The catchment area should correspond to the drainage area of the streamflow gauge.
2) If you enter SWAT values for streamflow into the river, you can’t really calibrate, because there aren’t dynamic processes happening. You’ve already entered the streamflow, the final product.
The WEAP tutorial does have a snowfall and PEST calibration activity that you might find helpful, but we are still developing a catchment calibration activity.