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All Topics | Topic "ET Potential calculation in WEAP"
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Dr. Vignesh Sridharan

Subject: ET Potential calculation in WEAP   
Posted: 3/14/2017 Viewed: 13240 times

I am using the Soil moisture method to model a catchment. The runoff from this catchment starts a river. I have a household water consumption demand which draws from this river downstream. I am analyzing two scenarios; one with a base water demand for households and one with an increased water demand.

In the results I notice that the total yield for a crop (Banana) in the catchment is higher for the increased demand scenario, considering similar yield potentials.I checked the results for different variables and found that the ET potential in the base scenario is higher than the increased demand scenario. And the ratio of ETactual/ETpotential is high for the higher demand scenario and hence the higher yield (considering the same yield response factor and maximum yield).

What I am not able to understand is the possibility of having different ET potential for the two demand scenarios that consider the same input data for the head flow catchment. it would great if you give nany clarification on how this could happen.

Eunice and vignesh
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: ET Potential calculation in WEAP   
Posted: 3/14/2017 Viewed: 13229 times
Dear Eunice and Vignesh,

I agree, that is super confusing. Are you sure that you haven't changed any of the climatic data in the catchment? Alternatively, check the "Manage Scenarios" tab and make sure your higher demand scenario is inheriting from [not high] demand scenario. Maybe there is a problem of inheritance.
Zkey Kebede

Subject: Re: ET Potential calculation in WEAP   
Posted: 10/2/2017 Viewed: 11392 times
approaches,procedures and methodology which helps to calculate ET potential
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: ET Potential calculation in WEAP   
Posted: 10/9/2017 Viewed: 11278 times
Dear Zkey,

You can find the equations for Potential ET in the WEAP Help menu under the section "Potential and Actual Crop Evapotranspiration."
Topic "ET Potential calculation in WEAP"