Subject: Adding subgroup in Village demand site Posted: 3/6/2017 Viewed: 13770 times
I tried to add two subgroups under village demand site 1) People & 2)cattle, the subgroups are created successfully with all parameters but unlike catchment landuse subgroups the total demand in village demand site is not adding up. Of course in catchment we provide landuse share in % wise here it is not possible.
If I create to separate demand site people and cattle it is working. Can we not create such demand subgroups which will add up?
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Adding subgroup in Village demand site Posted: 3/6/2017 Viewed: 13762 times
Dear Sujit,
My guess is that you may have to select the unit for the overall demand site. Under "Annual Activity Level", open up the unit (click on the white rectangle under "unit") and select the unit "No data entered at this level". This is because the units below are different, so WEAP shouldn't try to add them together. Let me know if that doesn't solve the problem.