Subject: ground eater node and its linkage with reservoir Posted: 2/10/2017 Viewed: 14069 times
There is a variable " Loss to ground water " in Reservoir Data view.
some value is given and result is run. a message " show ground water node appears. I have tried to show GW node and tried to link it with diversion/return flow/transmission but the message is still coming. please inform how to include gw losses in reservoir data .
Mukesh Chauhan
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: ground eater node and its linkage with reservoir Posted: 2/10/2017 Viewed: 14056 times
I can reproduce an error that says "specify groundwater node" - is that the error you're getting.
When you to WEAP to lose water to groundwater, you have to specify which groundwater node the water will go to. Go into your reservoir, and into the variable "Loss to groundwater." You will see that there is a box for data entry just to the left of the box where you have entered the quantity of groundwater lost.
Click that white box, and an arrow will appear. Click the arrow, and it will list the groundwater nodes in your system. Choose the one you want the reservoir to leak to.
You do not need any transmission links/return flows/diversions for this water transfer, you only have to tell WEAP which groundwater node you would like to connect to.
Mr. mukesh chauhan
Subject: Re: ground eater node and its linkage with reservoir Posted: 2/10/2017 Viewed: 14047 times
thanks Stephanie, it worked
mukesh chauhan
Topic "ground eater node and its linkage with reservoir"