Subject: River Evaporation Rate Posted: 1/15/2017 Viewed: 17858 times
Hi Everyone
Can you please tell me how can I simulate the river evaporation in WEAP?
Thank you.
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: River Evaporation Rate Posted: 1/16/2017 Viewed: 17813 times
Dear Mohammed,
Are you using catchments to model river flow, or are you entering information into the river headflow?
Eng. Mohammed Jamous
Subject: Re: River Evaporation Rate Posted: 1/16/2017 Viewed: 17807 times
No, I have the river flow for the future I just want to extract an amount from it for evaporation. I am not modeling the runoff or infiltration, I don't have catchments built in WEAP. BTW, what if the element is not a river, what if it is a diversion, how can I simulate evaporation from it?
Thank you so much.
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: River Evaporation Rate Posted: 1/17/2017 Viewed: 17795 times
Dear Mohammed,
In the Data View, navigate to your river (Supply and Resources/River). When you click on the River's name, you will see a branch below it called "Reaches." Click on this. As soon as you do, many options appear under "Inflows and Outflows" including an option called "Evaporation" where you can enter data for evaporation.
For each "reach" (subdivision) of the river, you can enter in information about evaporation as a % of the river flow. It is probably best to do this using the Monthly Time Series Wizard, as evaporation is related to temperature.
A diversion will have the same set of options when you click on its "Reaches" in the data view.
Mr. Charles Abolt
Subject: Re: River Evaporation Rate Posted: 2/28/2017 Viewed: 17534 times
Hi, I was curious about river evaporation rates as well. Are there any resources for determining a reasonable percentage to remove from streamflow -- perhaps using PET? I'm working in a semi-arid catchment, and having trouble figuring out a good number to use.