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Mr. Danil Kryachkov

Subject: Program WEAP   
Posted: 1/3/2017 Viewed: 13704 times
Hello. Help me, please.In the program the tutorial is gone or accidentally deleted it. In the control function areas it is not. I re-installed the program, but the tutorial did not appear. How to restore it?
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Program WEAP   
Posted: 1/3/2017 Viewed: 13694 times
Hi Irina,

I have accidentally deleted the tutorial in the past. Re-installing the program should restore it. Do you still have your other WEAP areas, such as the WEAPing River Basin, and any areas that you have created?
Mr. Danil Kryachkov

Subject: Re: Program WEAP   
Posted: 1/5/2017 Viewed: 13677 times
Thank you for responding. Yes, I have only the area WEAPing River Basin.

Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Program WEAP   
Posted: 1/5/2017 Viewed: 13666 times
Hi Irina,

To understand your problem better, can you go into your computer and go to your Documents/WEAP Areas folder? Your WEAP Areas folder should be saved in your Documents folder - that is the default that WEAP offers you when you first start the program. If you saved the WEAP Areas folder somewhere else, you can find it by searching for it.

Once you have found the WEAP Areas folder, check to see what areas are in there. WEAPing River Basin will be - and Tutorial should be in you re-installed the program. So let me know.

Mr. Danil Kryachkov

Subject: Re: Program WEAP   
Posted: 1/5/2017 Viewed: 13654 times
Good evening, Stephanie! Thank you for your help. I reinstall the program again. Before that, I deleted all the files WEAP, who had on my computer. I was able to resume the tutorial. Thanks again.
Topic "Program WEAP"