Subject: Initializing land use for long term simulation Posted: 1/1/2017 Viewed: 13985 times
I want to model some basins using WEAP (around 1000 km2, no ice, high mountain catchments), (Soil moisture model) I have compiled meteorologic and hydrological data for the study area. I also have the land use coverage for 2014 and other required data according to the basic WEAP data requirements.
I want to run the model from 1978 to 2010 (lets say I have data for this period) how should I manage the land use change in this period, given the fact that I only have the land use for 2014 (I could also get a land use map for 1996, but in a lower scale).
How can I initialize the model regarding the initial land use conditions at the beginning of the simulation (1978) or how can I deal with the land use change during this period?
I appreciate your answers in similar experiences.
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Initializing land use for long term simulation Posted: 1/3/2017 Viewed: 13921 times
Hi Marlon,
I'm glad to hear you have data for the period 1978-2010 for the other parameters. The land use is certainly important though, so I have some suggestions, and you can decide what is best for you.
1) Use the 1969 and 2014 land use data to create a linear trend of land use change over time, assuming the same incremental change each year.
2) Based on other sources about events and trends in the water, make assumptions about when change most likely happened, and have discrete land use changes in time in your model (possibly within an existing pattern of incremental change).
3) Seek additional data (are you already using satellite data? If not, have you tried to use it?)
Without perfect knowledge, a modeler has to make assumptions. My best advice is to base you assumptions in the literature and be very clear about them when you're reporting on your model - why they are, and how you justify them.
Topic "Initializing land use for long term simulation"