Subject: Estimation of Volume of water in the Catchment Based on Rating Equations Posted: 12/27/2016 Viewed: 14615 times
Kind Greetings to all,
I am a new user in WEAP modelling trying to estimate the volume of water in the Catchment. My approach is to use the estimated rating equation of the river catchment measured at permanent hydrometric stations against the proposed abstraction volume demand from farmers.
- I have gathered almost all raw data, but how to input it in the software for simulation is where i am stuck.
- can anyone give me a step-by-step on how I should go about this?
Your Kind and swift response will be highly appreciated.
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Estimation of Volume of water in the Catchment Based on Rating Equations Posted: 12/28/2016 Viewed: 14585 times
Hello Dickson,
The catchments demand water based on the characterizations of the land use (specifically, whether there is irrigation). A catchment is not a a demand site where you can enter demand, it is a dynamic part of the model that demands water based on the characterizations you give it, and the climatic conditions. You can calibrate the catchment demands against the raw data (change the characteristics to cause more or less water to be demanded), but WEAP will ultimately determine the demand - and the supply, which depends on the available water, and the political constraints in the system.
I recommend following the "Hydrology" chapter in the WEAP tutorial ( which will walk you through using a catchment in WEAP.
Topic "Estimation of Volume of water in the Catchment Based on Rating Equations"