Subject: Modeling the operation of a reservoir Posted: 12/22/2016 Viewed: 13520 times
I am looking to investigate operation scenarios of a reservoir in a watershed in Chile. Ultimately, I would like to develop the model using rainfall runoff and SWE. However, I also have stream flow data for the river leading to the reservoir. Is it possible for me to simplify the model for now by using stream flow and use precipitation and catchment data in the future?
Another question I have is about the inputs for modeling the reservoir.
1. How do most people model net evaporation? I have been adapting data to use the Modified Hargreaves equation using temperature and extraterrestrial radiation. Can only monthly averages be used or can daily precip be used?
2. When inputting reservoir data, do I want to be in "Data for reference" or "Data for Year-Year"? If some of my data goes as far back at 1950 and others only goes back to 1970, is it worth it to include whatever data available whenever possible? (ie. inflow, net evaporation)