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All Topics | Topic "Using Read from File wizard"
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Mr. Darlington Ikegwuoha

Subject: Using Read from File wizard   
Posted: 12/16/2016 Viewed: 13335 times
Please assist me with how to input data from 1950-2016 for rainfall, precipitation, windspeed and relative humidity.

I am confused now. I have been putting 1950 data as the current account. so where do I put data from 1951-2016 is it under reference scenario or I have to create a scenario for each year that is 1951, 1952,....2016?

Secondly because my timestep is monthly how do I input this data accurately?
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Using Read from File wizard   
Posted: 12/28/2016 Viewed: 13212 times
Hi Darlington,

Have you gone thought the Results and Formatting chapter of the WEAP tutorial (www.WEAP21.org/tutorial)? This will show you how to enter the data from a csv file.

You can put all the data into the Current Accounts, and the same data will show up in all the scenarios (unless you change it) for the timesteps where the model overlaps the timesteps of the data.
Mr. Darlington Ikegwuoha

Subject: Re: Using Read from File wizard   
Posted: 12/29/2016 Viewed: 13203 times
Thanks so much Stephanie. You hit the nail on the head
Topic "Using Read from File wizard"