Subject: Conversion of shape file to the format suitable WEAP Posted: 11/9/2016 Viewed: 15925 times
Started WEAP with the creation of working area. I have shape file which has projection WGS 84 / UTM zone 38N. Tried to convert it in ARC_Catalog Shape file Properties to GCS_WGS_1984. WHen i m selecting the Add Raster and importing the shape file everything is OK but contours of shape file cant be found in the WEAP working area.
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Conversion of shape file to the format suitable WEAP Posted: 11/9/2016 Viewed: 15914 times
Dear Davit,
My best guess is that you have not managed to project your file in the geographical coordinate system WGS 1984 (note that it's a geographic coordinate system, not a projected coordinate system). I usually do this in ArcGIS by first setting my data frame in WGS 1984, and then uploading my layer. Then I right click on my layer and select "Data/Export Data" and in the following window, under "Use the same coordinate system as:" I select "this data frame". There are other ways to do it as well, but I like this one because it is easy to project many layers at once.
Don't forget to save your projected shapefile in the folder of your model, found in the folder Documents/WEAP Areas. This way if you email the model to anyone, the shapefile will be embedded in it. Otherwise, they would have to upload it separately.
Mr. Davit Muj
Subject: Re: Conversion of shape file to the format suitable WEAP Posted: 11/10/2016 Viewed: 15868 times
Dear Stephanie,
Thanks for your prompt answer which enable me to create the proper working area in schematics
Topic "Conversion of shape file to the format suitable WEAP"