Subject: Identifying reaches in the schematic Posted: 11/6/2016 Viewed: 13492 times
Is there a way of identifying the reaches of a river in the schematic? If it is, please shed some light, if not, think about enabling it in the next version because it is really important when analysing the data.
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Identifying reaches in the schematic Posted: 11/7/2016 Viewed: 13485 times
Dear Clement,
The reaches are the areas in between different withdrawals or supply to the river. The reaches are named for the element that marks their upstream demarcation. For instance, if you have a river with a reservoir on it, the first reach would be "Below [River name] headflow", then the second reach would be called "below [name of reservoir]. The reaches are always listed in order, starting from the headwater.
Mr. Nathan Kanyesigye
Subject: Re: Identifying reaches in the schematic Posted: 5/24/2017 Viewed: 12391 times
very true@ Clement