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All Topics | Topic "Knowing the contribution of each reservoir (within a group of reservoirs) for a demand site"
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Mr. Shelton Paulino

Subject: Knowing the contribution of each reservoir (within a group of reservoirs) for a demand site   
Posted: 10/5/2016 Viewed: 15397 times

I have a model in which there are two streams, each with a reservoir, that join into one river in a point upstream of a water extraction point for a demand site. Is it possible to know how each reservoir contributes to the referred demand site for every month?

Thank you

Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Knowing the contribution of each reservoir (within a group of reservoirs) for a demand site   
Posted: 10/5/2016 Viewed: 15384 times
Hi Shelton,

Once the flows are mixed, you can assume that the amount that the demand site takes from each reservoir is proportional to the streamflow volume directly below each reservoir (before the flows are mixed).
Mr. Shelton Paulino

Subject: Re: Knowing the contribution of each reservoir (within a group of reservoirs) for a demand site   
Posted: 10/6/2016 Viewed: 15347 times
And can WEAP show the amount of water allocated from a reservoir to each demand site (within a group of demand sites), in a similar way it plots the Reservoir Inflows and Outflows chart? When I request this chart, it only shows the outflows as Outflow to Downstream.

Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Knowing the contribution of each reservoir (within a group of reservoirs) for a demand site   
Posted: 10/6/2016 Viewed: 15339 times
Unfortunately WEAP isn't set up to produce data about the original supply sources. We've seen people model conservative tracers in the water as if it were a contaminant in order to answer this question in WEAP. You can read about how WEAP models water quality in the WEAP tutorial chapter about water quality.
Mr. Shelton Paulino

Subject: Re: Knowing the contribution of each reservoir (within a group of reservoirs) for a demand site   
Posted: 10/6/2016 Viewed: 15333 times
Thank you for the help. I will study this approach.
Topic "Knowing the contribution of each reservoir (within a group of reservoirs) for a demand site"