Subject: Number of days in a month Posted: 9/20/2016 Viewed: 14052 times
Hello, I was wondering if WEAP considers the same number of days in a month, or does it assume different days for different months? (February with 28 days and January with 31 days).
Thank you,
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Number of days in a month Posted: 9/21/2016 Viewed: 14012 times
Dear Rebeca,
If you go into the "General" menu, and then "Years and Time Steps", you will see that WEAP allows you to select whether you would like to define your months by number of days ("calendar months") or other methods, such as having them all equal.
Ms. Rebeca Doctors
Subject: Re: Number of days in a month Posted: 9/21/2016 Viewed: 14002 times
Dear Stephanie,