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All Topics | Topic "Problem with Flow-Stage-Width wizard while defining river geometric characteristics"
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Mr. Shelton Paulino

Subject: Problem with Flow-Stage-Width wizard while defining river geometric characteristics   
Posted: 9/20/2016 Viewed: 13324 times

I am new to WEAP and was going through the tutorial when I encountered a problem in the water quality chapter. When defining the river geometric characteristics using the Flow-Stage-Width wizard, the software is obtaining velocities different from the ones in the tutorial, while entering the same data. Furthermore, in my results the velocity is not increasing with flow. How can I fix this?

For reference, below are my results, in the same units as in the tutorial:

Flow Velocity
10 0.67
50 0.59
100 0.77
200 1.08
Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: Problem with Flow-Stage-Width wizard while defining river geometric characteristics   
Posted: 9/20/2016 Viewed: 13296 times
The new version of WEAP (2016) has a new and improved method for calculating streamflow velocity -- using trapezoids for calculating stream cross-sectional area. Trapezoids should give a better approximation of area, and therefore a better estimate of velocity.

The Tutorial has not been updated to reflect these new velocity calculations, but I will update it soon. In general, velocity increases with increasing streamflow, but for certain streambed shapes this will not always be true.

Mr. Shelton Paulino

Subject: Re: Problem with Flow-Stage-Width wizard while defining river geometric characteristics   
Posted: 9/21/2016 Viewed: 13259 times
Thank you for the help.
Topic "Problem with Flow-Stage-Width wizard while defining river geometric characteristics"