Subject: Water Allocation Analysis Posted: 8/31/2016 Viewed: 14864 times
Dear Member,
I am planning to carry out water allocation and water availability analysis for a river basin having a dam and diversion structure below the dam followed by a river gauging site. There are few industries drawing water from the river near the gauging site. I want to develop a model using WEAP. Many I know the method I should use for such analysis or any guidance available to develop such model using WEAP. Request to provide me the information any document.
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Water Allocation Analysis Posted: 9/27/2016 Viewed: 14744 times
Dear Purna,
I recommend going through the tutorial chapters "WEAP in One Hour" and "Refining the Supply" (for the section about reservoirs) and "Reservoirs and Power Production". You can model your industries as demand sites. If you are using the gauging site for calibration, there is a little bit of an introduction to that in the chapter on data management. The tutorial can be downloaded at