Subject: Consumption Posted: 8/4/2016 Viewed: 15281 times
How can i use consumption% for irrigation?
Thank you
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Consumption Posted: 8/4/2016 Viewed: 15270 times
Dear Aye,
Can you give me some more details? What data do you have? What is the percentage of?
Eng. aye su naing
Subject: Re: Consumption Posted: 8/4/2016 Viewed: 15250 times
I want know consumption rate, using to consider the return flow.How should this range use?
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Consumption Posted: 8/4/2016 Viewed: 15235 times
If I understand correctly, you want to determine what the consumption rate is of agriculture? Do you have the data for the return flows? Do you have precipitation and inflow data?
If you're modeling agriculture as a demand site, consumption is actually one of the parameters WEAP requires, not one of the results it produces. However, if you have sufficient data, you could try to determine the consumption rate by looking at the results different values produce, and seeing which is closest to the data you have for your system.
Mr. Kaung Myat
Subject: Re: Consumption Posted: 8/5/2016 Viewed: 15182 times
If there is no data for return flow from agricultural node, which value should be used for general?
We have precipitation data.
Eng. aye su naing
Subject: Re: Consumption Posted: 8/5/2016 Viewed: 15181 times
Yes,i want to determine what consumption rate is of agriculture.But,i haven't sufficient data.So,should i generally use consumption rate for agriculture amoung 0% to 100%?
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Consumption Posted: 8/8/2016 Viewed: 15120 times
Dear Kaung,
You can try estimating a consumption rate. The water not consumed would return to the river in your model. You would have to look at this river flow and see if it looks right. If it doesn't, it could be your consumption rate isn't right, but it could also be something else upstream in your model.