Subject: calibration- urgent need Posted: 7/20/2016 Viewed: 15046 times
hello dear weap team
I use mabia method and I have years from 1986 to 2013. My current year is 1986 and my reference year is 1987-2013 .I want to know which year I should calibrate and which item I should calibrate?
please help me
thanks in advance
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: calibration- urgent need Posted: 8/2/2016 Viewed: 14946 times
I would recommend choosing a calibration and a validation period, and you can split it down the middle since you have so many years of data. Therefore, I would calibrate the model using the data from 1987-2000. Try to get the model’s results to match the observed data as closely as possible, using values for Nash Sutcliffe and other statistical indicators. These should be reported in your final write-up about the model. Then, for the years 2000-2013, use the same parameters you used for 1987-2000 (don’t change anything) and report the values for the same statistical indicators. The validation period is a test of how well your calibration applies to an time period not included in your calibrated data.