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All Topics | Topic "Groundwater - Surface water interactions for PGM Method"
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Mr. Salim Yaykiran

Subject: Groundwater - Surface water interactions for PGM Method   
Posted: 5/12/2016 Viewed: 17402 times
Dear all,

I would like to ask you a question about groundwater-surface water interactions.

I use Plant Growth Model method for catchments, and choose GW-SW Methods for groundwater. I chose related groundwater, from river's groundwater field in the drop-down menu. But I just can't any result about groundwater's parameters (e.g. GW inflows-outflows).

I wonder if it is possible to determine of groundwater-surface water for PGM (or MABIA) method. In that case, what is your advice?

Thanks in advance,

Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Groundwater - Surface water interactions for PGM Method   
Posted: 5/16/2016 Viewed: 17286 times
Dear Salim,

I encourage you to follow the Hydrology module of the WEAP tutorial (www.WEAP21.org/tutorial) because the last section includes an example of connecting groundwater to a river using the GW-SW modeling method within WEAP. The river and groundwater have to be connected both within the groundwater node and river reach it is supposed to be connected to. The tutorial will also show you where to find the results,

Mr. Salim Yaykiran

Subject: Re: Groundwater - Surface water interactions for PGM Method   
Posted: 5/16/2016 Viewed: 17275 times
Dear Stephanie,

Thanks for your advice. I know that tutorial, even practised all of them. But I couldn't get good result for my model.
Maybe I must check my input values again.

Thanks again,
Dr. Andrea Momblanch Benavent

Subject: Re: Groundwater - Surface water interactions for PGM Method   
Posted: 1/13/2017 Viewed: 15692 times

According to the WEAP manual and the Hydrology tutorial, it seems that the only catchment model that allows representing surface-groundwater interaction is the Soil moisture model. However, the MABIA and Plant growth models also produce groundwater infiltration. If these models cannot be connected to a groundwater node, where does the infiltrated water go? Is it just a way of taking that water out of the soil water balance?

Thank you,

Dr. Devaraj de Condappa

Subject: Re: Groundwater - Surface water interactions for PGM Method   
Posted: 2/8/2017 Viewed: 15612 times
Dear Andrea,

Both models MABIA and PGM can represent surface-groundwater interaction.

Regarding MABIA, it HAS to be connected to a groundwater object to happen.

As for the PGM, it works like the Soil Moisture Model in this respect:
* If it is connected to a groundwater node, it routes the deep percolation to the node.
* If not, the deep percolation returns to the river as baseflow.

Kind regards,
Topic "Groundwater - Surface water interactions for PGM Method"