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All Topics | Topic "unit of storage capacity and initial storage of ground water."
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Mr. Nandan Jha

Subject: unit of storage capacity and initial storage of ground water.   
Posted: 5/8/2016 Viewed: 15551 times
sir/ madam, if you could explain in the initial ground water level and the storage capacity of ground water which unit is to be used monthly or yearly?

Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: unit of storage capacity and initial storage of ground water.   
Posted: 5/9/2016 Viewed: 15505 times
Dear Nandan,

When you add a groundwater element to your WEAP model, think of it like a water glass. WEAP wants to know the size of your glass (the storage capacity) and the amount of water in it at the beginning of your model (initial storage). That way, as water flows in, or is draw out of groundwater, WEAP can calculate how much is still held in the node.

That that these units are not entered by month or by year - they are volumes, not inflows. Note that you only need to enter the "Initial Storage" once, either for your Current Accounts year, or the year that the groundwater becomes "active".

You can learn more about modeling groundwater resources by following the WEAP tutorial (available www.WEAP21.org/tutorial) exercise "Refining the Supply" through the section "Modeling Groundwater Resources." The "Hydrology" module also contains a section for "Simulating Surface-Water-Groundwater Interactions."
Topic "unit of storage capacity and initial storage of ground water."