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All Topics | Topic "Link WEAP and LEAP: a conflict on data time slice"
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Mr. KANG Jiefeng

Subject: Link WEAP and LEAP: a conflict on data time slice   
Posted: 4/12/2016 Viewed: 13745 times
Hi all,
I am trying to link LEAP with WEAP. The time slice set in the models are both "month", then WEAP can read data from LEAP, and LEAP can get data from LEAP. However, I found that when LEAP get data from WEAP, it can only get and show the first month data of WEAP, and leave the data of othere month alone...

For example, the year 2015 data output from WEAP is:
Jan: 1.00
Feb: 2.21
Dec: 5.32

Because the result shown in LEAP is yearly data, so what I want is that LEAP should read the WEAP output and sum up the data of all month.

However actually, WEAP only get the data of January.

Of course I can aggregate the monthly data and set the time slice by year instead of month. But I would lose a lot of information in that way.
How can I solve the problem?

P.S. My e-mail box if necessary: kangjf1943@163.com or kangjf1943@outlook.com
Thanks anyone with kind help :D
Topic "Link WEAP and LEAP: a conflict on data time slice"