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All Topics | Topic "SimBasin is a basin management simulation game designed to bring stakeholders and scientists closer together"
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Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: SimBasin is a basin management simulation game designed to bring stakeholders and scientists closer together   
Posted: 4/11/2016 Viewed: 16171 times
SimBasin is a basin management simulation game designed to bring stakeholders and scientists closer together. It's based on WEAP, and provides an engaging workshop format. It is free to use.


Success case: Magdalena Basin Forum
14th October 2015, Bogotá

42 high level representatives of public and private key stakeholders of the Magdalena-Cauca basin attended the Magdalena Basin Forum, where SimBasin was at the heart of a discussion on the basin's future. The event was organised in cooperation with Semana magazine in order to facilitate discussion about the basin and generate interest in SIMA, the Magdalena decision support system, due to be launched by TNC in 2016.

Players included representatives from ministries, national planning units, private companies, environmental organisations, research institutes and the national media.

After an introduction, the players were split into four multi-sectoral groups, each with the task to find the most robust way of managing the SimBasin basin over the next thirty years, leading to interesting discussions.

The event was a success, and now there is a huge interest, from both public and private institutions, in the Magdalena Basin Decision Support System.
Topic "SimBasin is a basin management simulation game designed to bring stakeholders and scientists closer together"