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Deleted User

Subject: Schematic View   
Posted: 3/31/2016 Viewed: 15907 times
Dear WEAP Users
I want to calibrate a catchment using soil moisture model. The catchment has irrigated land. The irrigated land withdraw from river and groundwater and has runoff/infiltration to river and groundwater.In your opinion, how will this model Schematic View?

Best Regards,
Jamal Ahmadaali
PhD student
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Schematic View   
Posted: 4/1/2016 Viewed: 15861 times
Dear Jamal,

This is how I would do this. If you're already built your catchment in your schematic, right click on it and select general info. There, select "includes irrigated areas". This will give your catchment a demand priority, which will cause WEAP to draw water from the river and groundwater.

Then, use transmission links to connect your groundwater node and river, respectively, to send water to the catchment. Here you might want to include information about Supply Preference. Which source (groundwater or river) is preferred? If you prefer water from the river, and take groundwater when it is unavailable, put the river Supply Preference = 1 and the groundwater Supply Preference = 2.

Then build run-off/infiltration links from the catchment to the groundwater and river.
Deleted User

Subject: Re: Schematic View   
Posted: 4/2/2016 Viewed: 15846 times
Dear Stephanie
Thank you very much for your guidance. In this catchment if there are a few irrigated areas and diversions, in this case will be schematic view how?

Best regards,
Jamal Ahmadaali

Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Schematic View   
Posted: 4/4/2016 Viewed: 15819 times
If possible, I would put all your irrigated areas into a single catchment. You can subdivided the land use types within the catchment and add parameters for each land use type. See the Hydrology module in the WEAP tutorial for more details about this.

Then you can make a single diversion to this catchment. The times I would not suggest aggregating your irrigated areas are:

1) The area is so large that the irrigated areas have different climatic conditions
2) Some of the irrigated crops receive priority (in terms of water supply) over others in times of shortage.
Topic "Schematic View"