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All Topics | Topic "Diversion not withdrawal from river"
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Mr. Chantawut Sirikhun

Subject: Diversion not withdrawal from river   
Posted: 3/30/2016 Viewed: 15178 times
Hello all user!

I have problem about Diversion(canal) not withdrawal from river.My model use catchment and MABIA method for climate.
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Diversion not withdrawal from river   
Posted: 4/1/2016 Viewed: 15132 times
Dear Chantawut,

Can you say a little bit more about what the problem is that you're having?
Mr. Chantawut Sirikhun

Subject: Re: Diversion not withdrawal from river   
Posted: 4/3/2016 Viewed: 14942 times
Hi stephanie,

I want to know that why sometime diversion not withdrawal from the river.How system of diversion withdrawal.

thank you
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Diversion not withdrawal from river   
Posted: 5/31/2016 Viewed: 14931 times
Dear Chantawut,

Without seeing your model, I have a few guesses for why there is not diversion withdrawal:

1) There is no demand on your diversion, or no demand during specific time steps. WEAP only disrupts the natural environment (diverting water to a diversion) if there is a demand on the system to consume that water. Make sure you have demands on your diversion.

2) The demands on your diversion have a lower priority than demands elsewhere, so the water is going elsewhere. If there is insufficient water to meet all demands, WEAP uses the demand priority numbers to know which demands to supply first.

3) There is no water in the river.

4) If there are demands on the diversion, and water in the river, do the demand sites have other water sources? Perhaps they already have sufficient supply. This has to do with the supply preference number also.

Let me know if any of these help,

Topic "Diversion not withdrawal from river"