Subject: Units variable required WEAP Posted: 2/12/2016 Viewed: 14303 times
Good Morning. I wonder if anyone has distinct units required to have variable input to the hydrological model WEAP as rainfall, temperature, relative humidity and wind (speed and direction).
This, considering I'm doing projection scenarios and my source is a downscaling of climate model; Units leaving the climate model are usually "different" than those traditionally used in hydrologic modeling.
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Units variable required WEAP Posted: 3/27/2016 Viewed: 14259 times
Dear Diego,
You can always switch the units in WEAP if you prefer different ones. Alternatively, you can convert the units using mathematical operations. I prefer to type my unit conversions right into the data area rather than doing the math and entering the final answer. That way it is easy to check both my work, and the original data I entered.
Mr. Diego Alejandro Guzman Arias
Subject: Re: Units variable required WEAP Posted: 3/30/2016 Viewed: 14248 times
I can in the WEAP modeling daily (precipitation .....), and get aggregate monthly flows? this with the purpose of calibrating the model monthly.