Subject: Fatal error: cannot open data file Posted: 2/4/2016 Viewed: 15658 times
Hello everyone,
I have received this error message:
Fatal Error: cannot open data file: Pollutants.DB (Index is out of date.)
I received after I made a few changes in the general model set-up and went to save. This error message popped up and it closed WEAP. I was unable to open the model again because it keeps giving me this message. Oddly enough, I received a similar fatal error message with the CropCat.DB file for another version of the model that I was working in yesterday.
Does anyone have any advice on how to fix this?
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Fatal error: cannot open data file Posted: 2/4/2016 Viewed: 15648 times
If you "Repair" the area, it will recreate all the indexes. On the main menu, go to Areas, Manage Area, then click the Repair button at the top of the Manage Areas screen.
If you still have a problem, you can revert to a previous version of the area (saved before the problem occurred) -- on the main menu, choose Area, Revert to Version... and choose the version to restore. You can also revert to a version from the Manage Areas screen.
WARNING: reverting to a previous version will lose any changes you have made since that version was created. (Before reverting, you can make a copy of the area with the problem, in case you need to go back to it -- on the menu, Area, Save Version...)