Subject: PEST calibration Posted: 11/30/2015 Viewed: 15596 times
Hello WEAP users
I'm a master student. I am using soil moisture method and I calibrate my model with PEST. But I realized that PEST is very sensitive to initial values and land use areas. The results of calibration parameters is very closed to the initial values. Who knows anything about this? How can I fix this?
Mr. Pham Quoc
Subject: Re: PEST calibration Posted: 12/7/2015 Viewed: 15533 times
Dear Mirzaei
I used PEST calibration former,I think in some cases, It's not really effective because it isn't only dedicated for WEAP model but also use for many hydrological models and objective function related to RMSE (it is will better if embbed multi-objective function). So, I suggest that you should consider trial and error by manually if you can't find better way for your problem.
Pham Quoc