Subject: Flooding and irrigation for paddy fields Posted: 10/27/2015 Viewed: 15859 times
Hello WEAP forum,
I'm developing a model con Cuba in a district with several paddy fileds with the 2015 version of WEAP, soil moisture method.
My question is concerning how the flooding model for paddy rices (tab FLOODING) is related to IRRIGATION tab.
From logic and weap guide it seems that for rice fields flooding manages also the irrigation aspect and so in the catchment the option for irrigation must be unchecked.
That's ok but if I uncheck this option a warning appears:
"WARNING: Catchment ag_La Cubana is not irrigated and yet it has a Transmission Link supplying it. Either remove the Transmission Link or change the Catchment to be irrigated (right-click the Catchment and choose General Info) and enter irrigation data."
The very question so is if I remove the Transmission Link which way it can be provided water for irrigation managed by flooding tab?